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Weavers Fields Meeting

Weavers Field

Tower Hamlets have taken approximately 25% of Shandy Park and erected a mosque. The building of a mosque is not the problem but the fact that planning has been passed to remove part of the environment is a major concern.

So, residents surrounding Weavers Fields in Bethnal Green now consider there is a greater need to safeguard its protection.

At the Bethnal Green Chest Hospital eleven protected trees are to be felled plus a further sixteen mature trees and the 500‐year‐old Bethnal Green Mulberry Tree. Having also ravaged a nature reserve in Limehouse by felling eighteen mature trees, there is much concern.

The Friends of Weavers Field met 7 March 2020 to discuss the importance of Weavers Field to the community as a value to the environment by creating green space in Bethnal Green.

Report from Meeting

In attendance with The Friends of Weavers Field was a representative from Tower Council, whose remit include Weaver Field. Apologies were received from The Huguenot Society, William Davis School, St. Matthews Church, The Mission Church - Cambridge Heath Road, Stuart Cox, Gabrielle Fine Arts, Rushanara Ali MP.

The meeting commenced by explaining where Weavers Field is now with the present management. It was felt that The Friends of Weavers Field should work more formally with Tower Hamlets Council to better protect Weavers Field and improve its management. In addition, Tower Hamlets Council should liaise with the Friends to achieve their aim.

The Council representative explained how he could assist, referring to grants that were available to produce a better park. Grants for signage, works for the Adventure Playground and the Children’s Playground were available with other streams of funding that the Council was investigating.

The removal of growth, particularly in The Nature Walk, to stop anti‐social behaviour, was raised and the meeting was reassured that the growth would grow back. The Nature Walk was given a special mention, as those present were not happy with its present state and emphasised that it should be attended to immediately.

The Pocket Park, next to the northern end of Weavers Fields, was another area that required attention to enhance its maintenance. The Trim Line was liked, but should be updated, and mention was made of the trees, together with wildflowers at the northern end of Weavers Field; all of which were well loved.

The meeting was informed that The Friends of Weavers Field would be included in any discussions concerning such works.

Before the meeting ended, the constitution of The Friends of Weavers Field was discussed, and that the appointment of officers would be conducive to make the Friends a formal organisation. However, it was recognised the majority of work would have to be conducted by email.

It was agreed that The Friends of Weavers Field will try to offer community events to represent the local community more fully and enable it to enjoy a wonderful aspect of this part of Bethnal Green.